Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Such a Scaredy Cat!

I can't beleive how I am resisting starting to put my CV together. I think I am quite scared that perhaps I will fail somehow...even in my past life I have found the CV a pain! What to put in, what to leave out..! I suppose if I am to be honest, I am being very hard on myself and feeling that I don't have ENOUGH to offer - not that I have nothing at all to offer, just maybe not enought of it. I really hope that this is a normal way to feel for new teachers....it must be, right?

Having now got that off my chest, I have set the goal of having my CV together by Friday. It should be a really exciting time and it is - just call me a scaredy cat. As I said in my opening post, I am glad that the application process allows me to rock on up to the schools in person as I know that I am very, very good at the face-to-face thing....thank goodness!!!!

Wish me luck!!


  1. Hey there, My name is Joe McClung and I am a first year teacher in Missouri, USA. Really happy to see you are using a blog to effectively track you progress as you begin your first year of teaching. I really hope once you get a job you will continue using blogs in the classroom, they are very useful. Look forward to reading your blog and I wish you well.

    Mr. McClung
    Noel, Missouri USA

  2. Thank you so much for posting the comment, Joe. Blogging is a new thing for me but I am really loving it. I will certainly be keeping it up and look forward to sharing my adventures.....
